
Dr. Lynn Mikel is a licensed Naturopathic Physician. In the state of Washington she may practice as a primary care doctor. Dr. Mikel is currently contracted with most insurance companies. She is able to bill these insurance companies for your visit. It is the patient’s responsibility to determine if their specific plan has coverage for Naturopathic medicine, co-pay and if they have a deductible. Call the information number on the back of your insurance card and they are able to give you this information. Otherwise she operates as a cash practice and will offer the patient the superbill to submit to their insurance for reimbursement. Please check with your insurance regarding coverage for Naturopathic Medicine. Many insurance companies will still offer partial reimbursement for her services if not. Blood work is generally covered by insurance. If you are interested in using Naturopathic Medicine please express this to your insurance company as it is your communication that will lead to better coverage and understanding of our benefits in regards to your health. Nutritional supplements, herbal medicines, homeopathic medicines, B12 injections and some physical medicine treatments are not normally covered by insurance so you will be billed for these at the time of service. Thank you!

First office visit with treatment plan and initial homeopathic interview: $200

Return office call 60 minutes. $115

Return office visit 30 minutes: $75

You may qualify for an additional discount on services and products if you pay cash at time of service, are a senior citizen, or claim financial hardship. You will be asked to sign a form to qualify for this discount. Please ask if you qualify for this additional discount.

Free 15 minute consultation to meet Dr. Mikel and determine if she is a good fit for you as your physician.

Dr. Mikel is also available for telephone consultations at a rate of $2 per minute ( 206-878-2628 ).

Cash, debit card, Visa and MasterCard are accepted for payment. Payment is expected in full at the time of service.

For forms and policies click here.