Healing with the Arts

Healing with the arts 12 week class began last night guided by Trudymarie Devilla.  It was a great turn out and looks to be 10-12 people using creative process as a modality to explore contact with the heart and soul as an avenue of healing!

              Based on the book by Mary Rockwood.

First week we did a meditation that brought us back to time where our creativity may have been squashed, not validated as important, minimized, criticized by self or others. Then we had about 40 minutes to create a project representing something about that experience.  Sharing and closing ritual ended the group.  Goal for week 2 to be more conscious of creativity in our life, inspired and available to the experience we have with more of that in our life. … and read chapter two!

My first project!  Birthday card for my 81y.o. Mother this month!


Birthday card for Shirley!
Birthday card for Shirley!