Jan detox continues!

Well, hope you are over or almost over the hump!  Getting into the groove with healthy foods and lots of vegetables and fruits 🙂  I am sending a link to an article that likens leaky gut to another condition affecting the brain and mood/mental functioning!  Very interesting and a must read for yourself and loved ones!  Remember information is a empowering thing to support the choices we make!


Attaching pictures of what I have been juicing each morning for a couple months!  Love, Love, Love starting the day out with such a good mix.  Kale, beet, carrot, apple, grapefruit, lime and ginger 🙂  I have a Juiceman juicer and just bought on ebay for $80 brand new.  Replaced my old one and gave the old one to my 22 yo daughter 🙂  Go Chirsty!! So rewarding to see good habits in the house go forward with our kids.
I have been adding hot almond milk to scoop or two of the SP Complete powder then adding some thawed raspberries.  Makes a nice snack at night or afternoon.  A couple drops of stevia to sweeten it a little more was nice!  I need warm vs the cold in smoothies so might try that!
Continue with 2-3 SP complete smoothies (or alternative like above) to get enough protein.  21 SP Cleanse caps/day in divided doses and 3-6 gastro fiber in the evening.

Roasted Root Vegetables :))

Email with questions and keep your intention alive with written or verbal words each day:

I’ll teach you the One Command next week but goes something like this:

I don’t know how I only know today is easy to stay on whole foods, I enjoy the variety, energy and feel my  health and vitality improved.  I only know this is so now and I am grateful!

Make up your own:  I don’t know how…. ( affirmation)…… I only know this is so now and I am grateful!    ( reminds the subconscious about what you want to happen)  Go Team!

Link to the ladies that taught me this great tool:   http://theonecommandlife.com/