5G documentary : research on EMF safety! Must watch or listen

5G documentary : research on EMF safety! Must watch or listen
Go team…. Hope you are feeling mental clarity, calmer, deeper sleep, at least one or two significant bowel movements, some weight loss around the middle and encouraged to keep going. 10 days is easy!
By now some added chicken or fish or lean seafood is encouraged.
Some links for video highlights!
Wow! Still figuring this out 🙂
Hope you are doing well… staying on track and enjoying the benefits…. better body comfort, tummy flatter, elimination complete, mind clear, brain sharp and mood happy!
The One Command link for easy success with intentions! Just have to do it!!
Medical Disclaimer:
All content found on the website, including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.
Thanks for continuing this food vacation!! https://youtu.be/YViEhMMXcQ8
Food allergy testing: consider with Dr. Mikel $159 for 96 foods and a variety of others more comprehensive including Candida test.
5G has potential to do harm: be informed:
The medical and/or nutritional information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Hope you are feeling good and enjoying the process! https://youtu.be/itAnQB_Hdgo
A couple supports for you to enjoy and keep at it!
Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:
Roasted root veggies:
Well we got the intro done and prepped the cabbage soup so this might be the first day of clean eating! It was for me. I had organic raspberries and blueberries from Costco with a teaspoon of maple syrup. ( gradual withdraw needed from the sugar!). I also had that for desert watching TV in the evening. Lunch and dinner had the cabbage soup. I wasn’t hungry… just ate what I needed to feel satisfied.
Exercised Monday at the gym so took a walk today. I really like this link for yoga and there are a couple new ones I’ll try at the 10 days progresses.
Be easy on yourself…. drink herbal teas and water, take a nap if you need it, journal feelings.
Write your intention: I eat wholesome, natural and healthy foods. My body, heart and mind respond with comfort, vitality and happiness. My weight is easily ____. Thank you!
The medical and/or nutritional information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Hi all! Happy New Year 2020! I’m doing a YouTube video link to get you started on a 10 day detox follow along with me 🙂 As well as the link I am also posting a few recipes and hope you enjoy. Feel free to reach out to me and via email for any questions and to let me know you are follow along! n
Basics: First two days cabbage soup, limited fruits for breakfast, and any vegetable you would like for snacks and salads. Eat as much as you need to feel satisfied.
shopping list: ( buy organic only)
head of green cabbage, carrots, onion, celery, garlic, Bone broth or Chicken/beef broth, green beans fresh or frozen, diced tomatoes 3 small cans, olive oi, vinegar ( white/balsamic/red wine), Dijon mustard. mixed greens/ romaine/kale ( salad of your choice), red/yellow/orange pepper, avocado,
breakfast fruit of your choice: berries, cherries. apple. pear, (avoid melons/strawberries/banana/oranges)
Beverages: water and / or water with lemon, flavored waters but no artificial sweeteners, herbal teas. 1 cup coffee but start mixing with decaf .
Avoid: sugar, packaged foods: cereal/chips/crackers/cookies/noodles, meats, bread, pastry, noodles, cow milk dairy products: milk/yogurt/cheese, eggs. soy. rice, legumes, nuts
The medical and/or nutritional information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
This is the place to view Dr. Mikel and Dr. Coke share knowledge and wisdom from the heart! Learn, grow, transition, evolve, be inspired and be curious! Hope you enjoy.
We appreciate your encouragement and feedback, if you want more, and ideas for topics.
I have been struggling with depression, loss of identity as a healer and loss of soul spiritually. I have felt so defeated, my life purpose for naught. I have been so tired and sad. I seemed to have lost my motivation and inner compass. At 60 years old… I have been in periods of grief and change but have never felt so hopeless. Despite that… I have been committed to practice self care, spiritual disciplines and patience… I have been waiting with faith and curiosity for answers and healing.
I finally am seeing a crack in the insanity of this world take over by the president and Republican party. I have been unable to see the other side. Recognizing that those who support this must not necessarily be evil… but I have been unable to reconcile my despair, anger and fear for the country I grew up believing was supporting our well being and at least our personal freedoms.
As a student of Jungian psychology I was happy to sign up for a class on archetypes…. It got cancelled! Archetypes are : a collectively-inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., that is universally present, in individual psyches, According to Carl Jung…. Archetypes like our shadow are aspects of the psyche that are common to all but sometimes when not acknowledged, appreciated and avoided …. take us over. They remain hidden but are felt by our aversions and negative judgement. if we have a strong “reaction “, feel justified, blame, act out of our value system without choice…. likely the shadow is activated. I call it getting possessed! Didn’t want to say that but couldn’t help it…. Addiction to people or situations or substances…. locked into blame… shame and fear.
So I asked myself…. What archetype has me possessed. I googled Victim Archetype . One sentence opened my eyes…. and began an unraveling of the possession. The root of the Victim archetype is a fear that you cannot survive or will not survive. Not just physical survival but the survival of your identity, your hopes and dreams or sense of self. (read the whole article recommended)
Had I ever felt like a victim? Perhaps with my father’s criticism. I remember in my 20’s beginning to do therapy realized my defects of character revolved around shame, worthiness, fear. In my learning to have compassion around my perfectionism, criticism and impatience… I understood my Dad better … so healing evolved and progressed to include him. My shadow side was witnessed, not denied, became an anchor to delve deeper. The involvement of the shadow gave me more freedom… less fear…. more acceptance… more inclusion … more moderation… authenticity.
But today possessed by the victim archetype…. a feeling of hopelessness, loss of soul and power were draining my life force. I had to ask myself …. what’s the lesson in the victim take over? Fueled to do something…. stay informed, write daily, pray daily, meditate, more time off work for exercise and sleep. I stated a political support/ education group. Read books and articles as much as my attention could focus on. Nothing changed the feeling of loss, outrage, despair, grief, uncertainty, questions. What’s the value to me of being the victim?
I did understand from the past …. each shadow element has something to offer. I was taking better care of myself, attending to my spirit, much more aware of what I valued and appreciative of all my blessings as the political choices that were being made by the government were threatening them: environment, women’s rights, democracy, health care , education and all the rest. In the darkest of moments I was also holding the love for everything dear to me.
So what Archetype was being projected at me to fall into this Victim Archetype. Projection is the unconscious communication of one person’s unconscious shadow on to another. We all feel this when we are falling in love, for example. The other projects their image of who they want you to be in usually a way that draws out in us the feeling of worthiness and esteem. The problem is when the projection falls away there is reaction to the reality and and tendency to blame the other for their shortcomings. They were there all the time but when possessed by the lover archetype we only see from that possessed state of mind. It will always dismantle and this becomes the catalyst for the growth we undertake in learning how to really love…. warts and all.
This explained that I have also been seduced by this villain archetype. Projecting the Republican Party and it’s leader as all bad but compelled to read , watch, Facebook… I have compulsively spent endless hours viewing the evils perpetrated by (in my judgement) the villainous Republican take over. Despite my knowing intellectually I have been adding fuel to the fire by such attention….. couldn’t help myself. So how am I the villain? How do I own up to the archetype? ….. A woman friend of like mind said she always felt the White House was a special even sacred space for our country and felt is was being desecrated by who was now living there. She had insight when she heard something say something similar to that… appalled that Black people were living in the white house the years prior. For some reason her story gave me for the first time a feeling of the victimization others have felt and role of Villain I have played in there life. I can see their projection but how have I played into it? White, upper middle class, educated, altruistic but not attention to the problems at home? I’ll have to keep working with this one! Maybe my husband and daughter can tell me about that!
In conclusion… I am not possessed at the moment by the victim. I am the hero in my own story once more…. rising from the ashes. I have greater insight now where my energy and purpose are most needed. My actions now may be similar but with less contempt…. perhaps even compassion because being possessed by an archetype is not a conscious choice. However, once it is conscious there is more choice and growing responsibility for one’s behavior. ( even if the feelings linger) . I do know that stepping out of the victim archetype releases me from the projection and helps to dismantle the projectors power. That is the lesson and reason for sharing this. Identify your archetype that is being activated if there is one, and dismantle that with awareness, consciousness, compassion and patience. We are our own secret weapon! Owning our own shadow in no way makes us less… we carry wholeness. Step up once more into the Hero’s journey. … “you were made for these times”!
I don’t’ know how and….. I’m dreaming in a country of compassion, Truth, honesty, and integrity. Love and inclusion are re established in a more powerful way than ever before. Our suffering has brought forth a new world …. closer to our Soul’s nature. We confront the shadow in our self and rise up with power to transform our reality for good. The elements of the cosmos, including the full moon, are bringing us support and guidance. I listen and respond and thank the divine Mother. I only know this is so now and I am grateful. Thank you.
What a fun group and you were all so positive about changes made and motivated to keep the healthy eating as a lifestyle. What a joy for Sasha and Dr. Lynn to work with people who “get it” and ” want it” . The information and support have empowered us all to keep making gradual changes, appreciate the freedom to enjoy our health by avoiding addictive unhealthy food, and to have tools to support consistency as we go forward working with our thoughts … conscious and unconscious. Truly a body, mind and Spirit approach! Way to go group!
Handouts are available for those who missed the group. Sasha discussed soaking raw nuts, legumes and grains for added enzyme and nutrient availability. Soak overnight and rinse then cook as you otherwise would but get a big added punch of flavor and nutrients. We all agreed we must try and add this as a new modality.
Planning ahead: Decide on one or two days a week to prepare ahead some basic staples that will keep your ability to succeed in the healthy eating easy. Prepare large amounts to keep over such as a large soup, dhal, quinoa salad, lentils, roasted vegetables. All work then as a base for bowls, added to salads, sides with protein, lettuce or gluten free wraps.
Dhal recipie ( soak overnight before cooking for intensity of flavor and nutrients)
Yummy desserts with natural ingredients. Even though a little sweet not the intensity to over stimulate the neurotransmitters but satisfying with a little.
Banana Ice Cream: Put chopped, peeled, brown spotted bananas in freezer. After frozen add to food processor. Add 1/4 cup carob or cacao powder, cinnamon, dates. You can also add other fruit or berries if you desire.
Raw Brownies: 1 cup dates plus 1 cup water in food processor to make 1 cup date paste. Mix with 1 1/4 cup raw almond butter, 1 1/2 cup carob or cacoa powder, 1/3 cup honey. Mix and press into 9×9 baking pan and refrigerate.
FYI…. stay informed!! Shop for organic, GMO free, half your plate vegetables at most meals, avoid packaged foods more than 80%! Good luck and see you at the next detox in the Fall!
Little girl’s sweet potato experiment: Must watch!!
Call to Action: Lawsuit against Monsanto in California
Mantra! We say yes to unexpected Miracles every day :)) Thanks Jamie!
Congratulations to those who attended on the holiday evening! Small class but more sharing. Everyone doing well and making progress. Some good improvements in energy, weight loss, and motivation good to keep going! Satisfaction in weight, energy, sleep and happiness improving in some or all areas for everybody.
We discussed exposure to chemicals that mimic estrogen including antibiotics in the food supply and preservatives in personal care products.
Xenoestrogens How to Avoid Them
We went on to discuss how high stress… high cortisol aggravates high blood sugar… insulin resistance and weight accumulation. We also discuss nice stress reduction techniques.
Stress Reduction Techniques
Talk and Listen: When we have someone to open up to it is not carried alone. This is an opportunity to release built up emotions of pain, fear, anger, loneliness, shame, etc. that stresses the adrenal system… letting it go is an opportunity to surrender the internal defenses that protect us from difficult emotions we all have to face. An anti depressant or anti anxiety drug can turn the volume down but emotions have energy that create stress until they are confronted consciously.
Write: Another healthy outlet for emotions to be released and confronted consciously. Journal, poems, letters (sent and unsent), letters to God…
Create: Creative outlets help express emotions through other mediums… use the energy of emotion to inspire creativity.
Psychotherapy: Use skilled support for exploring difficult feelings and help reveal subconscious patterns and beliefs that are creating our perceptions of reality. Once they are conscious we begin to have a choice as to whether or not this is how we want to continue creating our life, body, and emotions…
Spiritual or Inspirational Reading: Replace old beliefs that aren’t giving you the life you want by learning new ones or that emphasize the values and belief you want to live. Create a daily practice that reinforces the positive you want till it becomes a part of you easily and naturally.
Pray: Talk to God of your understanding and develop a faith that has meaning and comfort. Practice and Expect a Miracle!
Create a “treasure map” or “vision board”. Create a collage of images and words that evoke the feelings and goals you desire. Allow this to work on the subconscious to help you create what you want.
Write out your goals frequently. Just the process of writing it down emphasizes your goal and takes it a further than a wish so it is more likely to occur. Take some steps toward goals even if they are small, will also improve the likelihood more opportunities will evolve for the realization of your goal. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want!
Imagine yourself realizing the goal. Embody the vibration of that desire to achieve it!
Hang around people that have what you want: physically, emotionally and spiritually… they have something to teach you and will empower your success.
Be patient and kind with yourself. Learn to love yourself unconditionally because you only can love others to the degree you love yourself. If that means being selfish with your personal healing journey, it may have to be so for a while, but as soon as you begin to heal, you will have more to share!
Be in your body and learn to identify how you are feeling in the moment. If your heart is pounding are you afraid or excited? If your tummy is tied up in knots ? Are you feeling self conscious, wanting approval, afraid of authority, loss in interest, unmotivated, or angry? If your head is pounding are you trying too hard, obsessed with details, holding too many thoughts in your head? Do you feel alone or supported? Breathe into the feelings and remind yourself at the moment all is well. When we come back to the present moment we are not in the past or the future, we have the opportunity to experience the next moment without projecting unconsciously our past programming. We can change our thoughts, biochemistry, physical, emotional and spiritual health moment by moment.
We also discussed Epigenetics as the science around how genes are influenced to be expressed. It isn’t all or nothing and we can influence how genes are expressed in a healthy way by the foods we eat! Vegetables are the main source of methyl groups that have a positive influence on healthy gene expression! Amazing nature cure is still the best preventative medicine and Mother earth is so generous in her ability to supply that for us! We also looked at evidence to support thought, energy and emotional influences on the epigenes. We have more control than we have been led to believe!
Belief that genes control your health is false: Mercola
So enjoy the the last week eating lots of vegetables, some fruits and now enjoying organic chicken, wild caught fish, a few legumes, rice and quinois. Emphasis on vegetables please! Our last group we will discuss reintroducing foods we have been avoiding to find our challenges to avoid long term. Sasha will be back to discuss meal planning and healthy lifestyle cooking and preparations to keep us going with our new freedom in eating and continuing our improvements in body, mind and spirit.
Dr. Lynn’s Soup Recipe
Saute one large onion, and three colored peppers in organic olive oil
Add one package organic chicken tenders cut up into small pieces
Pinch of red pepper flakes to taste…. brown all till nearly chicken nearly cooked
Add one small bag of fingerling potatoes chopped in small pieces
Add one rinsed jar of Trader Jo’s sun dried tomatoes
Add one rinsed can of organic garbanzo beans
Add one box organic chicken broth and 1/2 box water
Trader Jo’s 21 seasoning, sea salt and pepper to taste.
Simmer on low till potatoes are done.
Glad you all enjoyed! See you next Monday 5:30 for our last session.
Determined Detoxers:
Great way to kick off the first week with weight loss for the group between 3-15 pounds and most of you not even finished with the first week! Everyone seemed encouraged and happy with the changes and outcomes. A few with strong detox reactions and that is usually a sign to slow the products down and be gentle with the process!
Great food ideas and samples from Sasha and Dr. Mikel. Let’s all try something new like soaking or sprouting the legumes /rice/ quinoa we start adding week two and three!
Product routine for week two and three:
Add organic chicken or wild caught cold water fish, brown rice, legumes. Keep this a continued focus on vegetables and plant foods!! At least more than half of each meal should be vegetables for healing support and detox support. By week two you should have finished the SP Cleanse products and then begin the SP Green Food 5 twice/day. Continue the fiber that you are on and dose in the evening.
Products that might be of additional support: Cholacol ( bile salts) if you don’t have a gall bladder. Colax if you are having insufficient elimination or constipation. App Trim if you are struggling with over eating or blood sugar lows. Adrenal complex or Phyto ADR if you have significant adrenal fatigue. A variety of digestive enzymes if having gas/bloating or maldigestions. Valerian complex for sleep and nerves, testimonial by Marilyn 🙂
Our class finished off with a happy and successful group! Two members only made the first meeting but hoped they were supported with the blog information. Biggest loser lost 28 pounds in the three weeks and was going to continue with a goal of 10 more! Congratulations on all for commitment, participation and success in whole food eating for three weeks. The most common comment this group was how easy it was to stay satisfied, enjoy the process and be inspired with new food ideas.
During the last class we discussed the process of reintroducing foods that we had been avoiding to see if there is any sensitivity and/or allergy reaction… both of which will provoke the return of maldigestion… leaky gut….. stress to the liver and detoxification… immune provocation which leads to inflammation!
Handout or the Cleanse booklet outlined introducing one new food per three days. Sensitivity to dairy often provokes phlegm, mucous, post nasal drip, sinus congestion, loose stool or diarrhea. Wheat sensitivity often provokes joint pain, skin breakouts, bloating, constipation. The foods you have sensitivities to usually bring back a symptom that had subsided or disappeared. Insomnia, palpitations, headaches, poor focus, and G.I. symptoms and weight gain are some examples. The food you crave is often a food sensitivity.
If you have a reaction, wait a couple more days to try a new food. In general avoid that food 80 percent of the time and / or not more than every 4 days. This allow the body to recover and prevent compounded and accumulative detrimental effects to the gut / immune health. If you start regaining weight loss… you are doing something that should be avoided too frequently.
Sasha brought in fun whole food desserts!
I just want to say it was so very nice to meet you all, I think we had a terrific group. I am grateful to have been a part of it with you! Enjoy some healthy sweet recipes below.
Also, this woman’s recipe collection is so delicious and mostly pretty simple: http://www.therawtarian.com/
Remember, this detox was a jump start to sustainable, preventative, long-term healthcare that really works. What we choose to put in our mouths is so powerful, I’d say even sacred. Lets spread inspiration to others by living by example!
Smooth Coco Pudding
1/4 cup raw cacao powder (or carob, or organic cocoa powder)
1 avocado
6-8 soaked dates, plus few dashes of water that the dates were soaking in
Dash salt
a couple drops of liquid stevia if desired for more sweetness
Almond milk added to make texture how you’d like it (thick vs fluffy)
Blend everything until smooth and creamy. For a frozen dessert, freeze pudding in ice cube trays!
Apple Pie:
2 cups soaked and rinsed buckwheat (or nuts/seeds or oats)
6 dates
1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
Food process until pie dough like sticky texture, press into pie dish
1 banana, 3 apples, dash of cinnamon blended
Pour filling into pie crust, chill in fridge
Raw Brownies
By Shea
1 cup date paste* (dates food processed with equal amount water)
1 1/4 cup raw almond butter
1 1/4 cup raw carob powder
1/3 cup honey
Mix and press into 9 x 9x square (pyrex) pan. Refrigerate at least one hour. Cut into squares.
1 lb dates = 1 cup date paste
Put all ingredients except the date in a bowl and mix together with a spoon. Flatten it and cut in pieces. Chop the date in four quarters, top to bottom. Sprinkle more dried coconut on top. Top pieces with a quarter date. Serves 2 to 4.
Finally a gift from Marilyn, sent evening the group ended!
Thought for the day from the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation :
To be alive is to be hungry.
Our appetite for life is good. It keeps us reaching, growing, enjoying, and yearning to fulfill our potential. When our basic needs are satisfied, our hunger propels us to search for more elaborate gratification.
Here is where we often run into trouble. Instead of progressing through the hierarchy of needs to the spiritual level, we get stuck in an attempt to make quantity – more things, more people, and more activity – substitute for quality. And quantity alone is never enough.
It’s good that we’re hungry. Our appetite motivates us to feed our body in a healthy way and also to feed our mind, heart, and spirit. Our needs pyramid, and our hunger leads us beyond quantity to the quality experiences that fill our emptiness. We read, we share, we love, we pray, we listen, we accomplish, we dance, and we feast on the fullness of life.
Today, I will direct my appetite to quality experiences.
Determined Detoxers!
Wow, what energy and enthusiasm for our third group! Great results with weight loss up to 17 pounds for one member and everyone else seeing weight loss, improved mental/emotional, less body pain, better sleep and amazed at how easy to stay committed and enjoy the results.
This group of detoxers really are taking in the education and the holistic approach to getting well and changing eating / lifestyle habits to make a long term difference in their vitality and well being! Tuesday nights discussion was on stress and a nice discussion on ways to deal with thoughts, perceptions, emotions, the unconscious, and even energy. Attention to all these are needed to change our “reactions” to “response” that in turn creates a powerful shift in bio chemistry for positive impact on our body.
The awareness of emotion as a form of heart information and through techniques to access the unconscious were examples of ways to provide an avenue of self awareness and compassion for a story we all hold about our self. That story has been internalized and habituated to become the life and body we have. The way out of challenges is to start accessing that story with compassion and so the healing begins.
We also emphasized the importance of intentionally creating a new story! A story of how we want to feel and what we want in our life. This is a way to empower the heart and unconscious to be fully expressed and have new template to create from! Pray with the belief it will be answered … requires a stepping out in faith but gets easier as we see that life responds to our intention when we put in place the practice/ repetition/ supports to keep it in mind.
Stress relief is about intending a new attitude, a new response, and new habits… to the life we are already living. “My day flows with ease, efficiency, fun, effectiveness and prosperity” … helped me feel the same work was easier and better over the last few years. I say and said this every morning on the way to work and I’ve changed. I am not tired in the evening, structured my day a little differently, better caught up with paperwork and making more income! Say affirmations/ intentions/ One Command/ EFT like a prayer and belief of gratitude for prayers answered! Works for me and others in the group 🙂
We discussed epigenetics from the work of Bruce Lipton and how gene expression is really based on the influence of epigenes. Our epigenes are predisposed to influence the expression of genes in a direction of health or disease from the nutrition of our parents. The great medicine for optimizing epigene influence over genes for health….. are vegetables with all those fabulous methyl groups! We can’t change our genes but how they are expressed for health is dramatically influenced by our personal diet and lifestyle! Amazing nature cures and was designed especially for our well being 🙂
You have sole ownership of your vision. And the Universe will give you what you want within your vision. What happens with most people is that they muddy their vision with “reality”. Their vision becomes full of not only what they want but what everybody else thinks about what they want, too. Your work is to clarify and purify your vision so that the vibration that you are offering can then be answered.
Remember Fooducate App and once you download that they will send you nice health information. It is a bar-code scanner on your phone that gives nutritional info and likelihood of GMO contamination.
http://www.fooducate.com/ recently sent :
The following tips are for prepared dressings:
2. Decrease the serving size and calories
The standard serving for salad dressing is 2 tablespoons, ranging from 50 to 200 and more calories. An easy way to cut the calories is to use less dressing. Work the dressing into the salad until you can’t see any blobs of sauce, just a shiny coating all over the salad greens.
3. Don’t water down you salad
Many of the low-fat, or non-fat dressings are primarily water. You’re paying over $4.00 for a bottle of dressing, the least they could do is fill it up with a more expensive ingredient like fine olive oil. Also – why drown your greens after you’ve dried them up so nicely before serving?
4. A little bit of fat is not bad
Vitamins A, D, E, and K, found in salad vegetables, are fat soluble. This means your body will be more likely to absorb them when they’re mixed with some oil.
5. Skip the toppings
They may add extra crunch and flavor, but the caloric and sodium contribution of bacon bits and croutons almost negate the purpose of the salad – a nutrient dense addition to your day.
6. Avoid added sugars
Some dressings can get really tangy, so a bit of added sweetener rounds out the flavor remarkably. The problem is that in many cases, manufacturers add too much sugar. For example, almost 25% of Wishbone’s Red Wine Vinaigrette Salad Dressing calories come from sugar. In other dressings, the sugar content can reach up to 50% of the calories!
7. Salty?
One of the challenges with salad dressing is the sodium content, which can be higher than 500mg per serving. That’s close to 25% of the daily maximum. Look for 300mg per serving, or less.
8. Avoid Phosphoric Acid
Many dressings use phosphoric acid (E338), an artificial additive that provides a tangy taste for a much cheaper price than lemons. Phosphoric acid is widely used in soft drinks. Some studies have linked it to lowering bone density. Bottom Line
Salad dressing great way to increase vegetable consumption. Choose wisely or make your own!
Sasha provided great new recopies and we all agreed to try a dish from legumes soaked over night, blended to make a sauce or dressing! Let’s help each other expand and step our of our boxes with cooking. Our bodies are ready and appreciating!
Next week final class. We will discuss reintroduction of foods, how to identify foods, how often can we eat “normal” food and and how do we keep going on this path to healing as well as having more fun and making it easy!
Thanks, Dr. Lynn
Thanks Sasha! Teaching us how to make vegetarian sushi rolls!
I am passing along a link where Gary and I get our under sink water filter and shower filters. Reduce exposure to pollutants including chlorine and fluoride with good quality filters. There is quite a lot of research on just these two chemicals alone and their negative impact on health!! Carcinogenic, neurotoxic, reducing brain IQ and implications in mood disorders to name a few….Something to think about 🙂 Reduce exposure to toxins where you can!
We are offering the detox group a special on the ionic foot baths. Try the first one for $20. or 3 for $60. It is a unique support with ionic current to facilitate lymphatic flow , alkalize the body and support release of toxins.
Disturbing article I referred to about arsenic in our chicken!
Recipie I made up for SP complete muffins:\
1 cup protein power or about 6 heaping scoops, 2 ripe bananas, 1/2 cup melted butter, 1 scant teaspoon baking powder, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1 cup of dried organic fruit (Costco), ( about) 1/2 cup almond milk added to consistency to scoop by tablespoon into greased muffin tins.
I mixed all together except the dried fruit with a mixer adding the milk to get a good consistency to scoop by tablespoon into greased muffin tins. Mixed in the dried fruit at the end then needed to add just a splash more of the almond milk. About the consistency of thick pancake batter. Bake 350 degrees for about 15 to 18 minutes depending on how full the tin 🙂
One Command: I don’t know how….. my body is light and healthy. I enjoy all these healthy foods. My sleep, energy, mind and heart are vital and renewed! This is cleanse is easy….. I only know this is so now and I am grateful. Thank You
Well congratulations group! Most off to a good start or finished with week one. A few people joining late so anyone interested … get on board if you’d like to tag along even via the blog and emails. This week we reviewed the idea of maldigestion from foods difficult to digest either from processing, hybridizing or GMO. We reviewed leaky gut theory and the resulting inflammation that can stress the immune system locally and systemically. Eating our whole real foods this week… all ready people could dramatically see reduced bellies as inflammation locally resolved.
We went on to discuss the vast array of chemical toxicity from our environment, water, skin care and personal care products, foods, homes, cars, buildings etc… It was covered briefly but to make the point that at some point if the body is unable to handle the accumulation of chemicals it will do it’s best to store in the body to protect the vital organs including the brain. Fat accumulation is often the result of not especially excess calories but the residual burden of toxins the body cannot handle to completely break down and excrete. The change in diet we are undertaking reduces the toxic load from maldigestion so the body can up regulate it’s ability to start removing accumulated waste. The Standard Process products are specifically designed to provide the nutrients the organs of elimination need to do that job…In a safe way with a good balance of whole foods that are easy for the body to utilize .
The anecdote for toxicity is to reduce where you can 🙂 The body can handle a lot but we don’t want to reach our threshold where it starts breaking down 🙂 Buy organic when you have good choices, filters for water and showers, only use green dry cleaning , use home hepa filters, take shoes off in the hose, buy cleaning/ personal care products at conscientious stores like Trader Jo’s, PCC, Fred Meyer Nutrition center or Marlene’s. Handout available.
Sasha gave us a good talk on GMO. The history behind it’s sell to the United States that it would help increase yields and decrease pesticides. The U.S. bought into it without studies that showed long term effects. Most other countries around the world were not willing to take that on with concerns for health introducing foreign proteins into food unnaturally. Their promises did not come true as the pesticide use has increased dramatically. Since the mid 90’s withe the introduction of GMO there has also been a significant increase in food allergies and gastro intestinal health issues not to mention rise in brain and learning disorders. The study is being done on us and is not looking good!
Sasah went on to share some fun ideas for expanding our diet now on week two and three to include fish, chicken, brown rice, lentils and quinois, sprouted seeds!! But remember this is still an emphasis on vegetables: more than half your meal should remain mostly veggies and some fruit! Protein and grains add variety and nutrieints but we are counting on the plant food to heal!
Email if you want the handouts for hummus dressing with Tahini, guacamole sauce and quinoa salad! Make several dressings at the beginning of the week and a large bowl of quinoa or soaked lentil/brown rice salad to have as a base during the week. Make bowls , salad wraps and use in combination with your cooked or raw veggies! Try sprouting seeds to wake them up and optimize the vital nutrients that they offer!
Remember now week two and three: Veggies, fruit, healthy oils, seasonings, tea along with modest amounts of organic chicken, wild caught fish, brown rice, quinoa, legumes.Sprouted seeds also allowed. SP complete shakes can be decreased to 1 or 2/day if new additions are added. SP Green capsules 5 twice/day and continue with 3-6 Gastro fiber in the evening. Any questions or concerns email Dr Mikel and she’ll help you out!
One Command:
I don’t know how….. this is such a satisfying and healing experience. I am healthy, vital and happy in my body more and more every day. I have freedom to be my best self and it is so easy! I only know this is so now and I am grateful. Thank you!
Well, hope you are over or almost over the hump! Getting into the groove with healthy foods and lots of vegetables and fruits 🙂 I am sending a link to an article that likens leaky gut to another condition affecting the brain and mood/mental functioning! Very interesting and a must read for yourself and loved ones! Remember information is a empowering thing to support the choices we make!
Roasted Root Vegetables :))
Email with questions and keep your intention alive with written or verbal words each day:
I’ll teach you the One Command next week but goes something like this:
I don’t know how I only know today is easy to stay on whole foods, I enjoy the variety, energy and feel my health and vitality improved. I only know this is so now and I am grateful!
Make up your own: I don’t know how…. ( affirmation)…… I only know this is so now and I am grateful! ( reminds the subconscious about what you want to happen) Go Team!
Link to the ladies that taught me this great tool: http://theonecommandlife.com/
Natural Health Clinic of Des Moines Detox Group is off to a good start with a group of about 10 going for the 21 day cleanse! We picked out folders with handouts that were decorated with words and images. The one you picked randomly was an experience in “synchronicity”…. Got the right message for you! Courage, lighten up, have fun, transformation and alchemy!
We learned about digestion and the importance of a healthy gut lining. We learned many foods cause maldigestion from the way they are processed and modified to lengthen shelf life and create chemical trigger for more and more. The “leaky gut” theory was pictured and resulting inflammatory / immune challenge that can create was explained.
Our goal for week one is to eat mostly vegetables, fruits, healthy fats and for protein to use the Standard Process SP complete dairy free protein powder as smoothies. We will be exploring how it feels to give up processed foods completely and take a week break from animal proteins, nuts and seeds. This will allow our body to recover better digestive health, get a break from toxins created by maldigestion and begin the road to revealing how foods can return our health and vitality!
Great youtube to watch to reinforce learning from group one:
Enjoy the journey group! Remember to add pictures and words to your folder and create some visual intention to remind your subconscious what you want! Learn to manifest easily by paying attention to the goal 🙂 Write a little in your log book, encourage your friends in the group and hang in there the first few days!
email with questions any time! Thanks for your participation, Dr. Lynn
Continuation of Healing with the Arts Class. 3rd week we created a personal medicine wheel. An exercise to call in our muse and soul companion through the intention of creative process. Whew… hard to let go and work under time constrain of 45 minutes but I think it requires the ego to step aside and let the soul muse run free!
East: childhood story of coming in wild, damaged and hurt easily, hiding behind a mask …eventually taken into hades but redeemed and brought back reflected by the daffodils.
South: Personal passion, love, heart of the feminine developing authenticity , self love and experiencing the mystery of “falling in love”.
West: Inner transformation … could be the theme of my life! Recover from the challenges to have compassion, acceptance, trust, faith and hope …” All is Well”.
North: Wisdom and wings to fly!
The Center: My inner conjunctio: Anima / Animus truly the wholeness of Self realized within as love is the foundation and inspiration of each day.
Thank you again Trudymarie for a great class 🙂 Dr. Lynn
Healing with the arts 12 week class began last night guided by Trudymarie Devilla. It was a great turn out and looks to be 10-12 people using creative process as a modality to explore contact with the heart and soul as an avenue of healing!
Based on the book by Mary Rockwood.
First week we did a meditation that brought us back to time where our creativity may have been squashed, not validated as important, minimized, criticized by self or others. Then we had about 40 minutes to create a project representing something about that experience. Sharing and closing ritual ended the group. Goal for week 2 to be more conscious of creativity in our life, inspired and available to the experience we have with more of that in our life. … and read chapter two!
My first project! Birthday card for my 81y.o. Mother this month!
Ever since the passing of my Dad, Tom Mikel, I have had this attention to family and ancestors. I looked at my vision board created last January and had a family section which almost seems now like a premonition. I had a dream about pigs in a blanket shortly after Dad passed. Someone reminded me that many cultures create an alter to their departed relatives and leave offerings of food… Dad would have liked that!
Stephen Linsteadt just finished the Scalar Heart Connection training at our clinic and it was amazing. His work is based on principals of geometry and rhythm/vibration that create all of nature from molecules to the human body, to the planets, to the solar system. The unique organ of the human body that seems to connect and communicate that to and through us is the heart.
Over 25 years ago an astrologer told me I must learn to think with my heart and feel with my mind. I have learned so much about my ability to choose my thoughts which create my feelings. I keep learning to trust my intuition and heart with decisions and they nearly always works out! I keep trying to be discerning but when it comes down to it…. my heart has a definite opinion and the more I go with it the more my life is miraculous and magic. Even if I don’t really know how it works I do know that following my heart is never the easier way to go but usually puts me at an edge of uncomfortableness with security, self confidence, self doubt, self consciousness, and trust in God.
I’m getting out for a walk today. Nature seems to confirm and reaffirm there is a pattern of wisdom, trust, beauty, inspiration and direction guiding and molding me. I am so grateful for science that is revealing the truth and the mystery. I am also certain my ancestors are calling for this awakening in me, that they are helping , inspiring and guiding as I listen, think, and respond with my Heart!
Week three of the cleanse/detox and all reporting good changes and happy with progress. We are now eating vegetables, fruit, chicken, fish and just a little rice or legumes. Recommended two thirds of the plate plant food and make a choice of protein or rice/legumes instead of both for easier digestion and better results.
Anti inflammatory impact noticeable for most people, joints feeling better, better sleep and energy. One person went on a three mile hike, first time in years. Another was on a family weekend and despite not perfect diet, found a way to eat inside of sandwiches only and found nice choices when eating at sit down restaurants. A young girl in the class noticed her friend’s family didn’t eat vegetables or fruit the whole weekend!
Gary and Dr. Lynn get a organic produce deliver each week for about $25. http://terraorganics.com/
The last group is on Wednesday 5:30 pm ! Feel free to bring a dish you have enjoyed to share with the group and we’ll really appreciate some samples of healthy foods together!
Hope all you determined detoxers are enjoying the Detoxification / Cleanse. Amazing shifts already happening after one week. After initial couple days of low energy/ craving, headaches People shared beginning to feel better energy for work, enjoyment of tastes of the plant foods, improved sleep and less body pain. Enthusiastic group, motivated and optimistic. We learned about exposure to toxins from foods, water, and products we put on our skin to off gassing of plastics. Dr. Lynn shared a recent Mercola article describing new BPH free chemicals that are also endogenous estrogenic molecules …. the whole reason BPH was taken off the market!
Must watch youtube demonstrates the quality of nutrition in organic vs conventional grow produce.
We meet again Wednesday at 5:30 pm and will further discuss hormones that we are being exposed to from chemicals in the environment and how our hormones contribute to our toxic load, how we metabolism and why imbalances occur. Sarah will share some whole food meal food preparation ideas and Bobby will tell us a bit about his work with the unconscious using his style of hypnosis. You might want to consider adding that for long term healthy eating support.
Keep moving this week; walk, stretch, and lymphatic exercises. Drink an extra glass of water Dr. Mikel! Deep breathe throughout the day for balancing the nervous system and intend prayer and health over your food before you eat!
Thanks all for your participation and sharing ! Dr. Mikel
The Detox group was a great group of about 20 diverse people.. from a family with two children several couples and many motivated individuals . About a quarter of the attendees were there for the first time the other repeating the three week whole food eating plan. There were lots of testimonials as to how it previously improved body comfort, sleep, energy and more. Of course people were happy with weight loss during the cleanse but that wasn’t what made the biggest impression it was quality of health that improve so much that most were excited and motivated to do it again and get closer to eating whole foods as a lifestyle!
We learned deep abdominal breathing technique to find more balance with the nervous system and be present in our life. In through the nose to the count of 4 letting the abdomen expand… exhaling to the count of 8 through pursed lips.
The first lecture discussed common foods like wheat and dairy that cause maldigestion, contribute to leaky gut and inflammation as well as stress to the liver. When the organs of detoxification become overwhelmed toxicity gets stored in fat cells. The first goal of the detox plan is improve digestion, decrease the toxic load from food into the blood stream which frees up energy for the liver / kidneys/ lymphatics to start moving stored toxins out of the body 🙂 The process has begun and continues from here!
Plan week one is to eat vegetables to fruit 2:1, beneficial oils, and protein source is the SP complete dairy free protein powder. Teas, water, spices all allowed as desired. No limit on quantity or calories… start listening to your body and how it feels when you eat!
We practiced intention: we set goals, collected a few images , and created a couple new positive self talks to keep our subconscious reminded of the outcome we desire!
Congratulations on to all who started the process … I see success and opportunity for great outcomes with you all. Sincerely, Dr. Lynn
The next Detox group begins Wednesday August 13th 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Our class meets for 4 Wednesday evenings at 5:30 pm and is a three week whole food eating plan to support detoxification and optimal health! Many are returning detoxers but there always people trying it for the first time. Amazing results always happen: improved digestion, better energy, improved mental clarity, happier and motivation to keep on a path of health and wellness. We will introduce a few new supports this time like stress management techniques, lymphatic exercises, and encourage some of you to participate with our other clinicians that provide hypnosis, massage, reiki and tai chi to get best results. You’ll have an experience of wellness for three weeks and it will impact your knowledge of health forever!
Email to sign up at drmikelnd@gmail.com
What was your attitude in starting: Doubted I could do it, thought it was going to be too much work. How did you do overall? Completed it successfully! What was the purpose in doing the program? Cleanse my liver and get rid of toxins in my body. Lost 8.5 pounds. Benefits I experienced: weight loss, increased energy, clearer skin.
What was your attitude: Excited and a little concerned about the time it might take. 100% compliance so far. What benefits did you achieve: less bloating, feel lighter, healthier, sleep better, more energy in the mornings. 10 pound weight loss. Overall, how happy were with the program: Extremely happy!
Goal overall: health, wight loss, sleep. Benefit I experienced: better sleep. Over all how happy were you with the class? It was amazing!
Summer Day Women’s Retreat
August 9th 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Healing with words/ writing exercise
Communication with nature walk
Healing with arts: make bracelets with precious stones
Soul Collage
Closing healing ritual
Share our journeys, deepen and strengthen our Spirits!
Sign up drmikelnd@gmail.com $110
I am trying to reach out a little more consistently for those that would like to be a part of the Natural Health Clinic of Des Moines community!
I have been home now a month after our trip in Ireland and Italy!! I left feeling sad about the loss of several significant relationships in my life and the terminal diagnosis of my Dad’s illness. There were several situations where I had to stretch my inner authority to speak my truth and step up to responsibilities beyond what I have had to do in the past. ” You never know how strong you are until strong is the only choice you have” by Bob Marley.
In Ireland I read a sweet book called Anam Cara A book of Celtic Wisdom by John O’Donohue. Anam Cara is Gaelic for ” soul friend”. The book created wonderful images through the stories, wisdom and the landscape of Ireland in relation to friendship, solitude, love and death. It spoke to me and the time away helped my soul catch back up to me…. from the very busy and demanding world I perceived before I left. A slower pace, good food, loving husband, sister and friends, a couple good books, beautiful landscapes and places of worship all helped renew me!
Excerpts from Anam Cara:
“There is such an intimate connection between the way we look at things and what we actually discover. If you can learn to look at yourself and your life in a gentle, creative and adventurous way, you will be eternally surprised at what you find. If your sight is poor, the work becomes a blur. In a similar way, if your thoughts are impaired or if they are negative or diminished, then you will never discover anything rich or beautiful with your soul. We have to imagine more courageously if we are to greet creation more fully. ”
These words and more inspired me to open … and look for the door when I hit the wall. Thanks for your patience while we are away and looking forward to your next visit!
We have a wealth of groups, speakers and activities coming up at the clinic. Look at the website calendar and newsletters for details! Have a beautiful day. Dr. Lynn
Detoxification class starts
Wed. January 29th then follows:
February 5, 12, 19th
5:30 to 7:00 pm$135 cost for the products. $50 class fee first timers, free to repeat.email to sign up : drmikelnd@gmail.com
Congratulations for stepping up and making a commitment to eat healthy for the next three weeks! Motivation for doing the group for the first, second, third, even forth time for some, is to keep learning and being empowered to be our best and live our best lives!
Suffering is a good motivator for change but feeling good is an even better motivator for continued change and growth in personal empowerment! My intention for this group is: Educate as to how food makes us sick and how it can keep us healthy.
Empower group members to make goals and reach them.
Offer the group an opportunity to see how a group can add support and be an opportunity to support others to be seen, to be heard, and to be cared for.
To bring the invitation for you to bring your spiritual values into your life with food and others.
We will share recipes and food ideas with one another on the blog and everyone will add tasty new cooking ideas to keep them motivated to incorporate whole food into a lifestyle.
Soup that we enjoyed this first evening:
Put Squash in a bowl and toss liberally with olive oil. Spread on baking sheet and cook 400 degrees for 30 minutes. Cut Cauliflower into small like sized pieces. Toss liberally with olive oil. Spread on baking sheet and cook 400 degrees for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile… in large soup pan saute chopped onion and garlic in 2 tablespoons olive oil. Add mushrooms and saute for another 5 minutes or so. Add boxed soup and keep warming. Once hot add roasted vegetables and chopped kale. Add seasoning to taste: red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, lemon pepper, etc. ( any other combination of vegetables can be use such as zucchini, yellow squash, peppers, cabbage, green onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes)
Soups are often good to make enough for a few meals. Heat the portion needed for each meal separately to keep vegetables from overcooking.
Baked Apples:
8 large apples: peel, pare and cube. Toss liberally with coconut oil. Spread on baking sheet and sprinkle with pumpkin pie spice. Bake 375 degrees for 20 minutes. Enjoy warm or cooled.
There will be a time, not so far from now, that you will look back on this phase of your life and instead of condemning it or beating up on it… Instead of blaming or guilting, you will feel appreciation for it, because you will understand that a renewed desire for life was born out of this time period that will bring you to physical heights that you could not have achieved without the contrast that gave birth to this desire.
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on October 4, 1997 Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
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Back by popular demand! Detox Group!
Afraid you might gain pounds during the holiday?
Feeling sluggish, tired even exhausted?
Kick start the holidays by joining out next detox group! Attend all three groups during the three week healthy eating program:
Wednesday November 6th 5:30 to 7:00pm
Wednesday November 13th 5:30 to 7:00pm
Saturday November 24th potluck lunch 1:00 to 2:30
Come and get healthy and feel good about yourself!
Sign up at: drmikelnd@gmail.com or call 206 878 2628
Do you drink diet soda or use diet products? Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure. Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the FDA report as being caused by aspartame include: headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain. Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: aspartic acid 40%, phenylalanine 50%, and methanol 10%. Aspartic acid from aspartame has the same deleterious effects on the body as glutamic acid (MSG). The exact mechanism of acute reactions to aspartame is currently being debated but as reported to the FDA, those reactions include: headaches/migraines, nausea, abdominal pains, fatigue (blocks sufficient glucose entry into brain), sleep problems, vision problems, anxiety attacks, depression, asthma/chest tightness. One common complaint of persons suffering from the effect of aspartame is memory loss. Ironically, in 1987, G.D. Searle, the manufacturer of aspartame, undertook a search for a drug to combat memory loss caused by aspartic acid damage. Phenylalanine is an amino acid normally found in the brain. Persons with the genetic disorder phenylketonuria (PKU) cannot metabolize phenylalanine. This leads to dangerously high levels of phenylalanine in the brain (sometimes lethal). It has been shown that ingesting aspartame, especially along with carbohydrates, can lead to excess levels of phenylalanine in the brain even in persons who do not have PKU. Methanol (wood alcohol) is a deadly poison. Some people may remember methanol as the poison that has caused some “skid row” alcoholics to end up blind or dead. Methanol is gradually released in the small intestine. The absorption of methanol into the body is sped up considerably when free methanol is ingested. Free methanol is created from aspartame when it is heated to above 86 Fahrenheit (30 Centigrade). This would occur when aspartame-containing product (e.g. Diet Coke) is improperly stored or when it is heated (e.g. as part of a “food” product such as Jello). Methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde in the body. Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin. An EPA assessment of methanol states that methanol “is considered a cumulative poison due to the low rate of excretion once it is absorbed. They recommend a limit of consumption of 7.8 mg/day. A one-liter (approx. 1 quart) aspartame-sweetened beverage contains about 56 mg of methanol. Heavy users of aspartame-containing products consume as much as 250 mg of methanol daily or 32 times the EPA limit. For more information go to www.mercola.com and search ‘aspartame’ |
“I highly recommend Dr. Mikel for any health care concern. she has helped me tremendously in the past and I have great respect for her. She is extremely knowledgeable in the field and can offer you creative guidance to support your lifestyle. She has a holistic approach where she supports the good you are already doing in your life.”
“After years of going to my family doctor and seeing my chiropractor the back pain and sciatica attacks kept getting worst. I finally made the decision to try another direction in my health care. I had nothing to lose. I asked myself, what do I need to do and who can help me? A friend of mind suggested that I make an appointment with a Naturopathic Doctor and DR. Lynn Mikel’s office is on the way home from work. I was skeptical like everyone else about Naturopathic Doctors. After several years of chronic pain, any improvement will be blissful. It was all in how I was thinking about health care. Thank you Dr. Lynn Mikel I’m improving daily. Its a process like everything else in life. When I started the detox program I was excited and a little bit nervous. But I stuck to it and completed it 11 pounds lighter! I wanted to do the cleanse for weight loss, cleanse my body, and a stepping stone to long-term healthier eating. After the cleanse I felt less bloated, had cleaner skin, a feeling of lightness, and NO CRAVINGS FOR SUGAR! I was very happy with the program and will continue a modified plan and do more throughout the year.”
“Dr. Lynn has been a vital piece in helping me recover my health and well-being during the last two years. Through her skills as a healer and listener, I am almost pain free and able to sleep through the night. I now have the energy to start a new job using my creativity. I highly recommend her to anyone considering Naturopathic Medicine.”
“When I started the detox program I doubted I could do it because it would be too much work. However, I completed the program successfully. I wanted to cleanse my liver and rid my body of toxins in my body. I achieved weight loss, increased energy, cleaner skin, and less bloating. The program was easier than I thought. Overall I was extremely happy with the program!”
“I am 69 years old. I started seeing you back in August 2005 and at that time I explained that I had medical issues, diabetes, blood pressure, weight, cholesterol, and heart problems. My big concern was getting off prescription drugs, they were not curing, only treating and were causing more problems then good. I have been seeing Dr. Lynn Mikel for about a year and though her treatments she has been able to bring diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol well under control with natural supplements. When I first saw Dr. Mikel a year ago I had major problems with my legs. They had very bad discoloring in the skin tissue and had lost most of my strength in my legs due to Lipitor, and diabetes. Through treatment my circulation is better, coloring in my legs is a lot better and my strength is 70% better. Dr. Mikel has proved to me that there has been a big need for her profession in curing aliments thru using natural supplements. Dr. Mikel has done a great job bringing my medical issues well in line. She also has been able to get me off prescription drugs. I want to thank Dr. Mikel and all the other people dealing in the treatments of natural supplements and naturopathic medicine.”
Healthy Digestion To a Naturopath, healthy digestion is the cornerstone to health. “You are what you eat” and “You are what you don’t eliminate.” Digestion, absorption, and elimination are what makes up our body, what fuels our metabolism, metabolic processes, and what creates our immune system. Optimal digestion depends on adequate enzyme production in the stomach and small intestines, a healthy mucosal cell lining in the G.I. tract including adequate immune cell protection, proper assimilation, and elimination. When digestion is inadequate it robs the body of vital nutrient building blocks for all vital processes. Proteins are needed to build tissue and are the building block for neurotransmitters, the communication system of the nervous system. All cells have an outer lipid (fat) membrane which is the control panel for all metabolic processes. Fat also provides the myelin surrounding nerve cells and is responsible for nerve conduction. All hormones begin with a fat molecule in the form of cholesterol. How hormones function and the efficiency as to how they are broken down is dependent on the amount and quality of fat in the diet and how well it is absorbed. Carbohydrates are broken down to glucose and provide energy. What is not broken down and absorbed must be eliminated from the G.I. tract and what is not eliminated or absorbed efficiently becomes a source of toxic waste for the body to deal with. Food may sit in the digestive tract too long when enzyme production is inadequate, absorption is inadequate, and transit time is too slow. As a result the rotting food gradually becomes a source of irritation to the cells lining the digestive system. Inflammation can begin weakening the intestinal lining that normally maintains a barrier to keep large molecules from entering the blood stream. The term that has been used to describe this is “leaky gut syndrome.” As large food molecules gradually make their way into the blood stream it becomes a stress on immune system to clean them up and break them down. Food proteins can be recognized as foreign and stimulate the production of antibodies. An overproduction of antibodies has been hypothesized as a possible contributor to food allergies and autoimmune diseases. Antibodies produced from abnormal proteins of digestion in some way get confused and begin to set up an attack on various tissues of the body. Another stress these abnormally large molecules create is to the liver. The liver is the organ of detoxification and anything in the blood that is not supposed to be there is broken down and eliminated through complex chemical reactions that require a large source of nutrients and energy. As the liver already has a big job protecting us from toxic exposure in the air, water, and foods we eat, undigested food proteins become a burden that often over-saturates its capacity. Toxins that cannot be handled end up stored in fat cells. Weight gain is often not always the result of eating the wrong food or even too much food but of an ineffective digestive system. Poor digestive function and overwhelmed liver function cause a cascade of problems and stress to other organ systems and functions in the body such as stress to the adrenal and thyroid glands which regulate metabolism, stress hormones, and blood sugar. An overactive immune system and excess proteins in the blood stream can create acidity which contributes to inflammation everywhere, there again contributing to problems like arthritis and heart disease. Conditions that indicate the digestive system is impaired include heartburn or reflux, ulcers, irritable bowel, constipation/diarrhea but also can be associated with other problems like inflammatory joint disease and allergies. Working on improving digestion, healing and strengthening the mucosal cells lining the digestive tract, and eating a diet that promotes good digestion and metabolism are some of treatment goals for almost any digestive complaint or condition. Optimizing digestive function and health will also prevent the chronic progression of many other disease processes. Digestive enzymes are a good place to begin improving digestive function and health. The stomach uses primarily hydrochloric acid to begin the breakdown of primarily protein. Making an acid in the body that tightly regulates pH requires a huge amount of energy and bimolecular resources. People who are depleted, consistently eat a poor diet, and have other health stresses are often deficient in HCL. Inadequate HCL will cause food to sit in the stomach too long where it ferments and causes irritation to the stomach lining. This is one of the most common reasons for heartburn. The small intestines use alkaline enzymes from the pancreas which complete the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. They are also natural anti-inflammatory support for the body. Lower abdominal bloating, cramping, and mild nausea are often symptoms of insufficient pancreatic enzymes. Dr. Mikel’s experience and education help her formulate individualized treatment approaches, including diet assessment and education for your specific symptoms and underlying cause. Digestive health can be a cornerstone to your future health and ability to heal.Teacher Andrew Cohen made the following observation about the liberating challenge of spiritual evolution: Evolution is a messy process. So anybody who really wants to make the effort to strive for something new is going to have to be willing to make mistakes, take wrong turns, even to fail, but never give up. The simple truth is this: if not failing is more important to you than genuinely succeeding, you’re never going to make it. If you really want to succeed, then you have to have the big heart, heroic will, tenacity, courage, and commitment to fearlessly engage with the evolutionary process until something profound, mysterious, and extraordinary happens that cannot be undone. |
Vitamin D
There is much information out recently regarding need for more vitamin D. The importance of vitamin D has been recognized by naturopathic doctors for some time. It is an important vitamin that works like a hormone in the body to direct bone growth, remodeling, and mineralization. It has many other roles in the body including regulating the immune system and inflammation. It plays a role in regulating cell growth, differentiation, and removal of abnormal cells. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with osteoporosis and various autoimmune diseases as well as prostate, breast, and colon cancer. Very few foods contain vitamin D in high amounts.
Foods containing Vitamin D
iu per serving
Cod liver oil, 1 tablespoon 1,360iu
Salmon, cooked, 3.5 ounces 360iu
Mackerel, cooked, 3.5 ounces 345iu
Tuna fish, canned in oil, 3 ounces 200iu
Sardines, canned in oil, drained, 1.75 ounces 250iu
Milk vitamin D-fortified, 1 cup 98iu
Margarine, fortified, 1 tablespoon 60iu (not recommended)
Ready-to-eat cereal, fortified with 10% of the DV for vitamin D, 0.75-1 cup (more heavily fortified cereals might provide more of the DV) 40iu
Egg, 1 whole (vitamin D is found in yolk) 20iu
Liver, beef, cooked, 3.5 ounces 15iu
Cheese, Swiss, 1 ounce 12iu
Foods do not adequately supply this important vitamin need. Most people meet this need through sunlight exposure. UVB light waves convert a cholesterol molecule in the skin to a pre-vitamin D3 which then gets modified once in the liver and again in the kidney. Sun exposure to skin is limited in our area by many gray days. It is also limited by our northern latitude where we are further from the sun. Other factors that limit sun exposure are use of sunscreen, smog, and skin pigment.
The best way to test for adequate vitamin D levels is through blood work analysis. The form of Vitamin D to test for is 25(OH)D which is the best reflection of total D vitamin from food, sun, and supplements. Optimal levels are 50-55 ng/mL. I frequently include this when I perform lab work. Most frequent levels found are between 15 and 28. This indicates most people here in Seattle need some additional vitamin D.
The body stores the vitamin in fat cells therefore, if supplementing, could potentially achieve toxic levels. However, patients taking fish oil regularly and even those supplementing 400 to 1000iu for several months or years are still far below optimal levels. My recommendation is to get your levels tested and use a quality supplement of Vitamin D3 not the synthetic Vitamin D2. Current recommendations of 200iu to 600iu are generally much too low. New recommendations of 2000iu to 5000iu may be needed according to some studies. Once supplementation has been started for a few months retesting is recommended to assess levels. Toxicity is possible for an adult at levels over 200 ng/mL. Symptoms of toxicity are nonspecific such as nausea, vomiting, loss appetite, constipation, weakness, weight loss, confusion, and heart rhythm abnormalities.
Dr. Mikel would be happy to test your levels and provide safe recommendations and supervision in your use of vitamin D. Many people who are deficient and start supplementation of D3 report improvement in mood, decrease musculoskeletal pain, improved energy and outlook!
Related Articles / Links
Study: Vitamin D Leads to Longer Life
Doctors checking patients more for vitamin D levels
Osteoporosis and Bone Health
Osteoporosis means that there is loss of bone mass and that bones are thinner. It does not necessarily mean that they are more prone to breakage. At the same time, good bone mass does not guarantee bones will not break. The American College of Physicians says: “The majority of women with hip fracture have a density of the hip that is within the normal range.” However, most people see a loss of bone mass after age 40. Women see the greater percentage of decline usually around peri and post menopause. To quote Susan Weed’s Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way: Alternative Approaches for Women 30 – 90: “For a post-menopausal woman to ask, ‘Osteoporosis, how can I prevent it?’ is like asking ‘How can I prevent the sun from setting each evening?’ When we try to prevent the natural flows of life, we begin to think that these natural processes (such as bone thinning with age and menopause itself) as problems, which we are told we need to ‘cure’ by technological means.” The point is that there is some natural rhythm to this process and some degree of change is “normal.” However, to optimize bone health, especially with the increased possibility of falls as we age and remain active, it is important to look at how to keep bones as healthy as possible!
Weight-bearing exercise can reverse bone loss and increase density. Walking for an hour four times/week and lifting weights can improve bone mass.
Women between 40 and 50 should consider a DEXA or bone density screening test.
Eat Foods Rich in Calcium and Other Minerals To Build Healthy Bones
Green leafy vegetables: Some of the best sources of calcium, as well providing vitamin K and boron needed for healthy bones. Other good sources of minerals include broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, green tea, sea vegetables, yogurt or whey, and seaweed such as kelp.
Micronutrients: selenium, chromium, strontium, copper, boron, silicon, zinc, and cobalt. Good sources: seaweeds, nettles, dandelion, and organic grains and produce.
Good herbs to consider for mineral support: horsetail, nettle leaves, red clover blossoms, raspberry leaves, alfalfa, sage leaves, oat straw seed, and uva ursi leaves.
Avoid soft drinks: Phosphates in soda interfere with calcium solubility in the blood making calcium less available to make bones, teeth, and other structures. Limit pop to a special treat for you and your kids!
Garlic, onions, and eggs: good sources of sulfur and are also needed for healthy bones.
Vitamin D at 1000 to 3000 iu’s per day: assists in calcium utilization for bone.
B6, folic acid, and B12: needed in combination to maintain proper homocysteine levels which is associated with less risk for atherosclerosis and osteoporosis.
A Note About Calcium: Proper levels of stomach acid are necessary for calcium absorption. People with low stomach acid should take enzymes or at least use lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to acidify their stomach and help with absorption. Anyone on acid blockers (see me fast to get off them!) will have compromised calcium absorption. People on thyroid medicine should not take their medicine with calcium supplements and those on thiazide diuretics may need to keep supplementation a little lower.
The dose of calcium is individual depending on the form of calcium you use to supplement, your digestive health, age, risk factors, and general health. Magnesium is also needed in generous amounts often 1:1 ratio with calcium.
Recommened Products for Bone Health:
Calcium Lactate (from beets most easily absorbed calcium to the blood) from Standard Process
(avoid calcium carbonate it is not easily used and may cause calcifications)
Cal Ma Plus from Standard Process
Biost, Biodent, or Ostraplex from Standard Process
Cal Mag Plus D from Priority One
Trace minerals, Organic Minerals, Min Tran (from sea kelp and alfalfa)
Sun D 3000 from Priority One
High quality fish oil, tuna oil, or flax seed oil
Come in for a thirty minute visit to customize your bone health treatment plan!
Related Articles / Sources
Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way: Alternative Approaches for Women 30 – 90 by Susan Weed
The Clinician’s Handbook of Natural Medicine by Pizzorno, Murray, Joiner-Bey
Natural Medicine
Naturopathic treatments generally vary from allopathic medicine in that we use lesser force to stimulate the body’s ability to overcome disease and pathology. Treatments are directed toward the underlying cause of a condition instead of just trying to get rid of the symptoms. One example is using pharmaceutical drugs to get rid of the symptoms of heartburn instead of strengthening the digestive system or identifying and eliminating an offending food. Without addressing the underlying cause, symptoms will continue to worsen and more drugs will be needed to counter the symptoms.
An article from the Seattle Times reported that, “the number of deaths and serious injuries associated with prescription drug use rose to record levels in the first quarter of 2008 with 4,825 deaths and nearly 21,000 injuries.” Herbal medicine is a gentle but effective way to stimulate the body’s natural healing ability. Using plants as a remedy goes as far back as recorded history (if not farther) and today, as awareness and information about plant medicine grows, there is a thriving industry producing and selling these products. Not all products are created equal, however, and consumers must use caution when choosing which brands to buy. The beneficial properties of plants can be increased by dose or volume but also by quality. For example, many plants only have a medicinal effect if they are harvested at a certain time of the year so products that include those same plants harvested year round will be of inferior quality. Also, many companies increase the potency of their product by only including the “active ingredient” while excluding much of the rest of the plant. Herbalists know, though, that by using the whole plant there is an added synergistic effect which may ally the side effects of one part taken in high doses such as providing minerals that would otherwise be depleted by using the active ingredient alone.
Naturopaths are trained to assess the value of products and I maintain a close relationship with my herbal product vendors to ensure the highest quality and integrity of manufacturing.
Working with plants is not just about physical healing. Achieving balance and peace is just as important a goal as physical health. Consider all the various ways in which we form relationships with plants and how they contribute to peace of body, mind, and spirit: satisfying hours spent working in the garden, a flowering cherry tree in Spring, the lavender fields in Squim, vegetables fresh from the garden to the table, memories of flowers at your wedding or at the funeral of a loved one, the scent of stepping off the plane in Hawaii.
One of my favorite books, Plant Spirit Medicine by Eliot Cowan put such a relationship in this way: “Consciousness, therefore, is not merely thought, much less intellect or reason. It is the feeling of being alive and being related to all life. Consciousness as pure feeling exists already in the plant and is hidden in the rock, even within the atom itself. It is only when we come to look upon all things as human that we are capable of truly humane existence. Such a lesson is taught to us by plants and herbs whose existence is still grounded in the unity of nature, through which we may return to understand ourselves better. Therefore, plants may communicate directly to that essence of feeling which makes a true human being. Plants bring us the love, the nourishing power of the sun, which is the same energy of the stars, of all light. They exist for psychological, as well as physical nourishment.”
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